Chanoch La'na'ar/Chanchi La'na'ara Papercut
Chanoch La'na'ar/Chanchi La'na'ara Papercut
from $80.00
“חנך לנער על פי דרכו” (משלי כב:ו)
“Educate a child according to His way” (Proverbs 22:6)
This verse is often understood in two ways that both hinge on who the “His” refers to—one should educate a child according to God’s ways, or, one should educate a child according to the ways of the child. Or both? May we be able to see the spark of the Divine within each child.
It was important for me to create two versions of this piece: one with masculine pronouns, and one with feminine pronouns (for both the educator and the child).
This paper cut is 8”x8”. The framed option is a floating frame which shows the shadows cast by the delicate paper cut.